EPIFYLAKI: A visual exhibit at the Capodistrian Orphanage in Aegina



By Maria Triantopoulou

A large crowd gathered today outside the entrance to that historic edifice the Capodistrian Orphanage, or the Aegina Prison as this neglected monument is more generally known, to take part in the inauguration of the visual exhibit that was mounted under the aegis of the 7th “Fistiki Fest” Pistachio Festival to mark the 30th anniversary of the closing of the prison.

Based on an idea of the historian George Kalofonos, this year’s president of the “Fistiki Fest”, the visual exhibit bears the signature of three important artistic personalities who live and work for extended periods in Aegina: Costas Varotsos, Venia Dimitrakopoulou and Danae Stratou.


The function was introduced by George Kalofonos, who in his address emphasized the symbolic value of the visual exhibit, whose aim is to present a reminder of the fact that this historic building, which from a place of learning and culture as an orphanage was transformed into a site of imprisonment and confinement for both common criminals and political prisoners. For the last thirty years it has remained closed, caught in an interminable bureaucratic deadlock and petty political wrangling between the Antiquities Inspectorate and the local community, whose standing requirement is that the building function as a cultural centre. “Perhaps now the time has come for it to open up to the creative forces in our society and operate as a place of culture,” Mr. Kalofonos said in conclusion.

George Kalofonos – Venia Dimitrakopoulou

Mrs. Venia Dimitrakopoulou spoke on behalf of the artistic contributors, analyzing the visual exhibit – a huge canvas had been erected directly opposite the prison building, like a mirror which, however illustrated the future picture of the restored Capodistrian historical monument as a multi-functional cultural centre. The exhibit, with its contrast between the building as it is today and the building as it could feasibly become in the near future – also drew attention to the need for completion of the work so that it can be handed over to the local community as both a place of remembrance and a cultural monument of atonement. Mrs. Dimitrakopoulou thanked those who helped to construct the exhibit, which despite its very large size was not expensive and was funded entirely by private donors.

The final speaker was the mayor Mr. Mourtzis, who praised the exhibit and congratulated Mr. Kalofonos and the distinguished artists. He too expressed the hope for speedy completion of the restoration but also of the arrangements that would make it possible for the monument to become a site of culture for the benefit of the island, its residents and its visitors.

Venia Dimitrakopoulou

Mayor Mourztis

Aegina Light spoke with Mrs. Dimitrakopoulou and Mr. Kalofonos:

A.L.: Are you satisfied with the result of your visual exhibit?

V. Dimitrakopoulou: I am very pleased and moved that through installation of the exhibit opposite the prison premises, a rather desolate dark street, which we frequent every day to park or throw rubbish in the bins, tonight was brightly lit and filled with people and with life.

A.L.: Is this more or less how you envisage that the street will be in the future? .

V. Dimitrakopoulou: Exactly. On one side of the street we have the empty building, closed and dark, as it has been for the last thirty years, and on the other the building as we want to see it. Open, filled with people, a genuine place of culture and creativity.

A.L.: How would you characterize your collaboration with the two other artistic personalities who contributed to the exhibit.

V. Dimitrakopoulou:  For me this is one of the most significant points about the happening and I would like to place particular emphasis on it. Personally I considered it a great honour and it gave me great pleasure for us to be together simply as three artists, without any “what” or “where” and to work together on an equal footing and design a visual happening. It is in any case, I think, a sign of the times, when there is an urgent need for collaboration and joint initiatives. We are at the point where we are all in the same boat and try to do something all together.

A.L.:  If you had succeeded in gaining access to the building for today’s symbolic commemorative visual exhibit did you intend to exhibit some works?

V. Dimitrakopoulou:  Yes, of course we had planned what we were going to do if they had given us the building. We had something ready, and the minute we are given the opportunity to open the Capodistrian Orphanage, not only for ourselves, of course, but also for others, we will present it.

Maria Triantapoulou – Venia Dimitrakopoulou – Lila Korkoli

A.L.:  We wish you every success and here’s hoping that today’s visual exhibit will bring us a step closer to what we all want: to see this historical monument transformed into a contemporary site of remembrance and of culture.

A.L.: Mr. Kalofonos, would you agree with me if I said that today’s visual exhibit also has the character of a symbolic demand? Is it first and foremost a statement?

G. Kalofonos: It could be said that art is an important lever for setting in motion certain processes. By making relevant to today the spectrum of themes that are touched on by the history of the building we are at the same time projecting the abundant potential that it offers for the future.

A.L.:  In a few brief words, how would you characterize this site-specific visual exhibit?

G. Kalofonos: :  There are two poles to it…. It symbolizes the past and the future, reality and desire, the existent and the imaginary and many other dichotomies of that kind…

A.L.: Is there anything else you would like to add?

G. Kalofonos:ς: I would like first of all to thank Costas Varotsos, Venia Dimitrakopoulou and Danae Stratou for responding so willingly to the planning and joint creation of the “Epifylaki” visual exhibit. I would also like to thank the Municipality of Aegina, the Municipal Public Benefit Corporation (KEDA) and all the sponsors of the exhibit, and specifically “Philippos Hellenic Goods” and “Nektarios and Stylianos Pallis, Construction Works”. Thanks also to Mrs. Panagiota Gennitsari for her help in the planning of the project.


ΕΠΙΦΥΛΑΚΗ – Μια εικαστική παρέμβαση στο Καποδιστριακό Ορφανοτροφείο Αίγινας

Της Μαρίας Τριαντοπούλου (ΠΗΓΗ)

Πλήθος κόσμου μαζεύτηκε σήμερα έξω από την είσοδο του ιστορικού κτιρίου του Καποδιστριακού Ορφανοτροφείου, των Φυλακών της Αίγινας όπως είναι ευρύτερα γνωστό το παραγνωρισμένο αυτό μνημείο, για να παρακολουθήσουν την εκδήλωση/εγκαίνια της εικαστικής παρέμβασης που στήθηκε μέσα στα πλαίσια της 7ης Γιορτής Φιστικιού για να σηματοδοτήσει την 30η επέτειο από το κλείσιμο των φυλακών.
Την εικαστική αυτή παρέμβαση, βασισμένη σε μια ιδέα του ιστορικού Γιώργου Καλόφωνου, φετινού προέδρου του Φεστιβάλ Φιστικιού, υπογράφουν 3 σημαντικοί καλλιτέχνες που ζούν και εργάζονται για μεγάλα διαστήματα στην Αίγινα, ο Κώστας Βαρώτσος, η Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου και η Δανάη Στράτου.


Την εκδήλωση προλόγισε ο κ. Γ. Καλόφωνος, υπογραμμίζοντας στον λόγο του, την συμβολική αξία του εικαστικού έργου/παρέμβασης που σκοπό έχει να υπομνηματίσει το γεγονός ότι το ιστορικό αυτό κτίριο, που από τόπος μάθησης και πολιτισμού ως ορφανοτροφείο, μετετράπη σε χώρο εγκλεισμού και φυλάκισης τόσο ποινικών όσο και πολιτικών κρατουμένων, παραμένει κλειστό τα τελευταία τριάντα χρόνια παγιδευμένο σε μιαν ατέρμονα γραφειοκρατική και μικροπολιτική δίνη ανάμεσα στην εφορία αρχαιοτήτων και την τοπική κοινωνία που έχει ως πάγιο αίτημα την λειτουργία του κτιρίου ως πολιτιστικό χώρο. «Ίσως τώρα να έφτασε η στιγμή να ανοίξει ξανά τις δημουργικές δυνάμεις της κοινωνίας μας και να λειτουργήσει και πάλι ως τόπος πολιτισμού» κατέληξε ο κ. Καλόφωνος.

Γιώργος Καλόφωνος – Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου

Εκπροσωπώντας τους καλλιτέχνες πήρε τον λόγο η κ. Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου αναλύοντας την εικαστική παρέμβαση – ένας καμβάς μεγάλης έκτασης έχει αναρτηθεί απέναντι ακριβώς από το κτίριο των Φυλακών σαν καθρέφτης που, όμως, πάνω του απεικονίζεται  η μελλοντική εικόνα του αποκαταστημένου Καποδιστριακού ιστορικού μνημείου ως πολυχώρος πολιτισμού. Η παρέμβασή αυτή σηματοδοτεί επιπλέον – με την αντιπαράθεση του κτιρίου όπως είναι σήμερα και του κτιρίου όπως είναι ευκτέον να γίνει στο εγγύς μέλλον – την ανάγκη ολοκλήρωσης του έργου ώστε να δοθεί στην τοπική κοινωνία ως χώρος μνήμης αλλά και εξιλεωτικού πολιτισμού. Η κ. Δημητρακοπούλου ευχαρίστησε όσους βοήθησαν να στηθεί το έργο που παρότι μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι χαμηλού κόστους και έχει χρηματοδοτηθεί εξ ολοκλήρου από ιδιώτες χορηγούς.

Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου

Τέλος τον λόγο πήρε ο Δήμαρχος κ. Μούρτζης ο οποίος εξήρε την εικαστική παρέμβαση και συνεχάρη τον κ. Καλόφωνο και τους διακεκριμένους καλλιτέχνες. Εξέφρασε κι εκείνος την ευχή σύντομα να ολοκληρωθεί το έργο αλλά και οι διαδικασίες εκείνες που θα επιτρέψουν το ιστορικό αυτό μνημείο να μετατραπεί σε χώρο πολιτισμού για το καλό του νησιού και των κατοίκων και επισκεπτών του.

Δημήτρης Μούρτζης

Το Aegina Light μίλησε με την κ. Δημητρακοπούλου και τον κ. Καλόφωνο.

Α.L.: Είστε ικανοποιημένη από το αποτέλεσμα της εικαστικής σας παρέμβασης;

Β. Δημητρακοπούλου: Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενη και συγκινημένη που με αυτή την εγκατάσταση απέναντι στο χώρο των Φυλακών, ένας δρόμος σκοτεινός και άδειος, που τον περνάμε καθημερινά για να παρκάρουμε ή να πετάξουμε σκουπίδια στους κάδους, απόψε φωτίστηκε και γέμισε κόσμο και ζωντάνια.

A.L.: Κάπως έτσι όπως φαντάζεστε να είναι μελλοντικά ο δρόμος αυτός...

Β. Δημητρακοπούλου: Ακριβώς. Αντιπαραβάλλουμε από την μια μεριά του δρόμου το κτίριο σκοτεινό, άδειο και κλειστό όπως είναι τα τελευταία τριάντα χρόνια κι από την άλλη το κτίριο όπως θα θέλαμε να το δούμε. Ανοιχτό και γεμάτο κόσμο, έναν αληθινό χώρο πολιτισμού και δημιουργίας.

A.L.: Πως θα χαρακτηρίζατε την συνεργασία σας με τους άλλους δύο καλλιτέχνες που συμμετέχουν σε αυτή την παρέμβαση;

Β. Δημητρακοπούλου:  Για μένα είναι απο τα πιο σημαντικά σημεία του συγκεκριμένου δρώμενου και θέλω να σταθώ σε αυτό ιδιαίτερα. Προσωπικά το θεώρησα μεγάλη τιμή και μου έδωσε αληθινή χαρά να βρεθούμε έτσι απλά τρεις καλλιτέχνες, χωρις «τι» και «που» και να συνεργαστούμε ισότιμα ώστε να σχεδιάσουμε ένα εικαστικό δρώμενο. Είναι άλλωστε, πιστεύω, και σημείο των καιρών που απαιτεί επιτακτικά συνεργασίες και συμπράξεις. Είμαστε στο σημείο που είμαστε όλοι το ίδιο και προσπαθούμε να κάνουμε κάτι όλοι μαζί.

A.L.:  Αν είχατε προφτάσει να σας δοθεί το κτίριο για την επετειακή και συμβολική σημερινή εικαστική παρέμβαση είχατε σκοπό να εκθέσετε κάποιο έργο;

Β. Δημητρακοπούλου:  Ναι φυσικά είχαμε σχεδιάσει τι θα κάναμε αν μας είχε δοθεί το κτίριο. Είναι δηλαδή κάτι που το έχουμε έτοιμο και μόλις μας δοθεί η ευκαρία και ανοίξει το Καποδιστριακό Ορφανοτροφείο, όχι μόνο για μας φυσικά αλλά και για άλλους, θα το παρουσιάσουμε τότε.

Μαρία Τριαντοπούλου – Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου – Λίλα Κορκολή

A.L.:  Σας ευχόμαστε κάθε επιτυχία και μακάρι η σημερινή εκδήλωση/ εικαστική παρέμβαση να μας φέρει ένα βήμα πιο κοντά σε αυτό που όλοι θέλουμε. Να δουμε δηλαδή αυτό το ιστορικό μνημείο να μετατρέπεται σε έναν σύγχρονο χώρο μνήμης και πολιτισμού.

A.L.: Κύριε Καλόφωνε θα συμφωνούσατε μαζί μου αν έλεγα ότι η σημερινή εικαστική παρέμβαση έχει και έναν χαρακτήρα συμβολικής διεκδίκησης; Είναι δηλαδή πάνω από όλα μια δήλωση (statement);

Γ. Καλόφωνος: Θα μπορούσε κανείς να πει ότι η τέχνη είναι ένας σημαντικός μοχλός για να κινητοποιηθούν κάποιες διαδικασίες. Επικαιροποιώντας το πλέγμα των θεμάτων που θίγει η ιστορία του κτιρίου προβάλλει συγχρόνως τις πλούσιες δυνατότητες που προσφέρει για το μέλλον.

A.L.:  Με λίγα λόγια πως θα χαρακτηρίζατε εσείς την σημερινή τοποειδική (site specific) εικαστική παρέμβαση;

Γ. Καλόφωνος:  Είναι ένα δίπολο… Συμβολίζει το παρελθόν και το μέλλον, την πραγματικότητα και την επιθυμία, το υπαρκτό και το φαντασιακό και πολλά άλλα τέτοια δίπολα…

A.L.: Θα θέλατε να προσθέσετε κάτι;

Γ. Καλόφωνος: Θα ήθελα πρώτα από όλα να ευχαριστήσω τον Κώστα Βαρώτσο, την Βένια Δημητρακοπούλου και την Δανάη Στράτου που ανταποκρίθηκαν με τέτοια προθυμία στον σχεδιασμό και την δημιουργία από κοινού της εικαστικής παρέμβασης «επιφυλακή». Θα ήθελα επίσης να ευχαριστήσω τον Δήμο Αίγινας, την ΚΕΔΑ αλλά και τους χορηγούς του έργου και συγκεκριμένα τις εταιρείες  «Philippos Hellenic Goods» και «Νεκτάριος και Στυλιανός Πάλλης, Οικοδομικές εργασίες». Ευχαριστώ επίσης την κ. Παναγιώτα Γεννίτσαρη για την βοήθεια που προσέφερε στον σχεδιασμό του έργου.

Open letter to Yanis Varoufakis: Plan B is democracy


Dear Yanis Varoufakis,

For five months, you have personified the hopes of many European citizens. You have brought a wind of intellectual rigor and honesty in the circle of gray men of the Eurogroup. You tried tenaciously to respect the mandate of Greek voters: breaking up with the austerity policies while remaining within the euro area. But late June, the zombies of the Eurogroup and the Council, reinforced by the isolation of Greece and weak solidarity movements in Europe, sent you an ultimatum: submit or leave the euro.

The victory of the “no” in the July 5th referendum had reinforced your legitimacy to refuse the diktat of creditors. On July 13th you revealed |1| the proposal you made to Alexis Tsipras on the night of the referendum, “a triptych of actions” to avoid submission: “issue IOUs” (acknowledgments of debt in euros, that is to say a complementary currency based on tax revenues), “apply a haircut on Greek bonds” held by the ECB since 2012 in order to reduce the debt, and “take control of the Bank of Greece from the hands of the ECB.” But Alexis Tsipras refused this plan and accepted your resignation.

On July 20th, at the Greek Parliament, you voted against the ‘Agreement’ of July 13th indicating the decisive point: “when society begins to feel in his gut the pain of the disastrous results of the new austerity plan, when young and older people will take the streets or remain desperate at home, faced with these effects, who will from now on represent those people we were the voice in the political arena?”.

The unity of Syriza, the tool patiently wrought by the Greek left, is precious. It seems that this is why you do not have publicly led the debate on your alternative proposals: “ “Was there an alternative?” the Prime Minister asked me last Wednesday. I believe that, yes, there was. But I’ll say nothing more. This is not the moment to discuss again. The important thing is that on the evening of the referendum, the Prime Minister said that there was no alternative. ”

Yet this choice made by Alexis Tsipras to capitulate, and worse, to implement himself the demands of the creditors, is tragic. Like you, we can only be frightened by the political consequences of July 13th: the radical left, brought to power and confirmed by referendum in its legitimacy to break with austerity, appeared not only as unable to refuse an austerity plan that destroys democracy, but also willing to manage it by herself. Even assuming that no other option is available in the short term, returning to the opposition, as you wished, would have better preserved the future.

But if a plan B was possible, as you think, then the mistake is even more tragic. This crucial debate is rising today in the European left. The Left Platform of Syriza has made a proposal on May 24th for the suspension of debt payments and nationalization of banks. Éric Toussaint suggested on July 13th a more comprehensive set of measures |2|, acknowledging the fact, now for all to see, that breaking with austerity implies a unilateral policy of necessity and urgency that will obviously be equated with disobedience by EU leaders of the day, although it does not necessarily violate existent treaties |3|.

Contrary to what assert such respectable figures as Etienne Balibar, Sandro Mezzadra and Frieder Otto Wolf |4|, such alternative proposals cannot be described as”authoritarian and unworkable concepts of ’control’ of monetary policy and capital flows “. Similarly, when the great sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos states that”if a country showed disobedient, it would be expelled and chaos would become inevitable“ |5|, one can oppose that, given the content of the July 13th “agreement”, chaos is assured if the country complies.

Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, does not either see any alternative to the July 13th “agreement”, “the only thing we can do,” “the truth of power” |6|. But if there is no alternative, if no European country can break up with austerity without sinking into chaos – and there can be little doubt that Spain, Italy or France would face as such considerable obstacles as Greece |7| – the neoliberal trap is flawless. If no single country can take a step aside and engage in another route to show the way, the only remaining possibility is to maintain verbally the perspective of “another Europe” while waiting for a pan-European political crisis and / or a systemic collapse of the eurozone that would put all countries in the same boat.

For years, with others, we opposed to those who claim that exiting the eurozone is a prerequisite to any alternative policy. Leaving the euro has important economic and political costs for the country concerned. Also, to point “Germany” as the main culprit, and to advocate the return to the national scope of powers as the prerequisite for any solution, is a serious mistake that neglects the overwhelming responsibility of all national elites in the present situation while feeding the nationalist ethos.

However we believe just as you that there are credible alternative economic and monetary policies that could be undertaken unilaterally. Bold policies, for sure, but perfectly reasonable and certainly preferable to the certainty of the economic and political disaster the “agreement” of July 13th will lead. We believe just as you that Greece, in the present situation of necessity and urgency, could – and still can – unilaterally declare a moratorium on its debt, create a complementary currency, requisition the Central Bank and nationalize banks, establish an effective taxation of wealthier classes (remember that Greek employees and pensioners, subject to VAT on their consumption and the withholding of their income tax, cannot defraud).

These measures certainly involve risks, especially if they are improvised in haste: bank run, flight from the complementary currency, increased capital flight … But the stronger popular support will be, the weaker the risks. The success of the June referendum and the unpopularity of the July 13th “agreement” show that a large social base potentially exists in Greece to support a policy based on dignity and justice, values ​ ​that were trampled by creditors. This policy could give hope to the European peoples and strengthen their solidarity so far insufficient.

Such unilateral measures will probably lead creditors to want to expel Greece from the eurozone, although this would greatly reduce their chances of being finally repaid. Furthermore they lack a legal basis for doing so, and such a sanction would aggravate EU internal geopolitical contradictions. To castigate a country that is bravely trying to get out of the abyss and solve its humanitarian crisis could have significant political costs for the gray men. The debate aroused could strengthen the construction of the European public space without which the necessary refoundation will remain wishful thinking. Because one thing is to turn its back on Europe as a culprit for all the problems; another is to demonstrate by action that one only can respect the will of voters and preserve the interests of the lower classes by breaking with the dictates of the gray men who have taken possession of the European Union.

Thanks to your clarity and tenacity during these months of negotiations, you and Alexis Tsipras were very close to provide this successful demonstration. Dear Yanis Varoufakis, you would be doing a great service to Greece and Europe by undertaking, in an open and public manner, the battle for Plan B, the struggle for democracy in Greece and the European Union.


|1| www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/07/exclusive-yanis-varoufakis-opens-about-his-five-month-battle-save-greece, published July 13

|2| Eric Toussaint, “Greece: Alternatives to the Capitulation”, cadtm.org/http://cadtm.org/Greece-Alternatives-to-the

|3| Attac and Fondation Copernic, Que faire de l’Europe. Désobéir pour reconstruire, Les liens qui libèrent, 2014

|4| Etienne Balibar, Sandro Mezzadra Frieder Otto Wolf: “Le Diktat de Bruxelles et le dilemme de Syriza », http://blogs.mediapart.fr/blog/ebalibar/190715/etienne-balibar-sandro-mezzadra-frieder-otto-wolf-le-diktat-de-bruxelles-et-le-dilemme-de-syriza

|5| Boaventura de Sousa Santos,”Fatal tests”, 23.7.2015

|6| www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-pablo-iglesias-resignado-ocurrido-grecia-verdad-poder-20150716153300.html

|7| Unlike Greece, Spain finances its debt and huge deficit on the financial markets, but would face soaring interest rates in the event of testing an alternative policy.

Thomas Coutrot


Article and discussion from Open Democracy

Wayne Hall :  As soon as Yanis Varoufakis, in an interview with Spiegel, aired his idea of a grassroots European Citizens’ Movement he was contacted by the Association of Active Citizens on the island of Aegina, where he lives when he is not in Athens or travelling, and asked to explain his proposal at a public meeting in Aegina. He verbally accepted the verbal invitation, which was later formalized in writing, and his verbal acceptance was announced by a representative of our association at a meeting of the Aegina Council on 26th August. Yanis Varoufakis later said on the telephone that he did not like it that this announcement had been made. It so happens that the mayor of Aegina is actively supportive of the idea of a movement of European Citizens and is on record as saying so publicly. http://main.cse-initiative.eu/?p=413 Mr. Varoufakis says that “it is not worth trying again in Greece” so it seems that this grass roots movement is not going to start from the grass roots of what Yanis Varoufakis has been proud to advertise as “his territory”. As far as I know the invitation that was issued last summer is still open to be taken up and as well as explaining his concept of the European Citizens’ Movement Mr. Varoufakis will be free to explain his conception of the grass roots and in what way the movement he wants to start does not have designs of becoming a party, which would preclude it from being supported by the Aegina Association of Active Citizens.


Mr Varoufakis keeps coming up against obstructions and threats from the power elites, which are blocking his attempts to challenge them through democratic means. Most of them are not as bright as he is, certainly not as honest, but have a massive and hidden power networks, and are willing to be brutal. He is probably aware that all avenues to further democracy are functionally blocked in Greece. Theory and practice are the same in theory (academia), but not in practice (Mafia).

Wayne Hall

1. I don’t have the sense that avenues to further democracy are more blocked in Greece than they are anywhere else, and I also do not know whether YV received threats that dissuaded him from following through on the undertaking he had given, verbally, to address a local meeting on his home territory, which is fertile ground for the ideas he has put forward…

2. Perhaps YV will end up trying to do something, in reverse, to what Cohn Bendit toyed with: the idea of standing as a candidate for the European Elections in Greece. Mr. Varoufakis might conclude that he has more of a constituency in Germany. Come to think of it, it might be the best thing for him to do, joining Die Linke, since he already cites Lafontaine as an ally. Cohn-Bendit, Spinelli and Capodistrias // Europe Starts From Here // Cohn-Bendit on Geoengineering Enouranois II

3. http://yanisvaroufakis.eu/2016…

Yanis Varoufakis said: “First, we need to establish the movement. This will happen on 9th February, in Berlin. Its purpose is to mobilise Europeans along a simple, common agenda: To democratise the EU’s institutions.

Once this ‘conversation’ begins in the context of an activist movement on what needs to be done (to democratise the EU), a consensus will emerge that must then find its expression in each of the member-states of the EU.

Exactly what electoral and organisational form this expression will take in each country is something that will be decided collectively, organically. In some countries it may take the form of a brand new party. In others our movement may forge an alliance with existing parties. This remains to be debated and decided.”

Comment: YV’s ideas and proposals at the institutional level are very, very, very confused. This will be Indignados Round Two.