Mission to Romania

https://youtu.be/tubczZvxM1g?feature=shared Wayne Hall and Nikos Vakolidis this October are making a first visit to Romania,  to test the water for this:  A proposal for upgrading the role of Romania in the European Union and at the same time dealing with the problem that universal suffrage increases reliance on the sections of the population most vulnerable to misinformation and delusion, facilitating warmongering, corruption, social and environmental ruin, in short the nightmare world that some are systematically organizing in the hope of replacing the unacceptable status quo with something they see as more advantageous to themselves. … Continue reading

20/12/2023 Online Meeting James Roguski, Logan Courtney, Rusere Shoniwa, Linda Leblanc, Wayne Hall and Nikos Vakolidis

https://odysee.com/@World.Freedom.Alliance.Greece:4/video1939630963:3 Articles relative to the discussion: https://cairnsnews.org/2023/12/14/italian-ex-minister-faces-vax-murder-probe-new-zealand-inquiry-should-reveal-more-truth/ It has now been translated into Greek: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183669585020476/posts/6919463908107643/ The new element that the New Zealand whistleblower information introduced was that not only generalized and abstract data on “excess deaths” is now potentially available but concrete data faciitating specific legal action against specific persons. The question is why not everyone in our movement is supporting him? Dr. Tess Lawrie, for example, whose World Health Council I definitely support as a replacement (not just an alternative) to the WHO, has said that Barry Young has not revealed anything that was not already known. This misses an important point. And she has also said “I know people don’t really want to talk about COVID any more. Let’s not. Let’s talk about the sort of world we want.” Surely this leaves out of account a lot of unfinished business. James Roguski has conducted a thorough examination of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations but his proposal finally is that everyone should “wise up and realize that the entire discussion is wrong.” To the world’s poorer countries he asks “Why do you want more drugs and jabs when the Western world who used those drugs and … Continue reading