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Maneka Helleberg, Chairman WFA Dolores Cahill, President WFA Heiko Schöning, Vice President WFA Mads Palsvig, Treasurer WFA Henningsens Alle 52, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark 28th April 2021 Declaration and Notice of Liability Re: European Spring Appeal: Hope & Accountability Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Kyriakos Mitsotakis Megaro Maximou Irodou Attikou 19 106 74 Athens Dear Sir, This legal and lawful notice of liability is designed to be used as evidence in court if needed and intends to enlighten you and protect you from attracting civil and criminal liability in relation to your action and all omissions in relation to the alleged SARS-CoV2 (alleged) pandemic and the measures that have/are being taken world wide to allegedly control its spread and effect: Take Notice: 1. There is no evidence to support a ‘SARS-CoV2’ medical emergency. Prevention and treatments for influenza-like symptoms and illness should have been made available to all patients. To keep these treatments from sick people is causing unnecessary harm. When effective preventions and treatments are made available, there is no necessity for lockdown measures worldwide, such as wearing of masks, quarantining, mRNA gene therapy/vaccines etc. 2. Is there evidence that SARS-CoV2 has been isolated and validated by … Continue reading
Αρχίζει από το 39.15 WH: Θα πω μερικά πράγματα για το τι συμβαίνει στην Ελλάδα πριν κάνω μια πρόταση που επιθυμώ να κάνω, γιατί εκτος των άλλων, σας περιγράφω την κατάσταση από την Ελλάδα. Είχαμε το Ορθόδοξο Πάσχα. Το τελευταίο Σαββατοκύριακο ήταν το Ορθόδοξο Πάσχα και αυτό φυσικά ελάττωσε την ενασχόληση με θέματα όπως αυτό, επειδή οι άνθρωποι ήταν απασχολημένοι με τον εορτασμό του Πάσχα, στο βαθμό που αυτό είναι δυνατό, επειδή έχουν τεθεί αρκετοί περιορισμοί σχετικά με τους εορτασμούς. Και πράγματι στην Αίγινα, στο νησί της Αίγινας κοντά στην Αθήνα, ξεκίνησε μια συζήτηση από ορισμένους ακτιβιστές εδώ, σχετικά με τις προτάσεις για το Σάββατο του Πάσχα και την Ανάσταση. Η Ανάσταση γιορτάζεται παραδοσιακά τα μεσάνυχτα , αλλά λόγω της νέας οδηγίας μετακινήθηκε νωρίτερα, στις εννιά. Και πολλά άτομα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ακτιβιστών, σκέφθηκαν ότι αυτό δεν είχε καμία σχέση με κανένα θέμα υγειονομικής φύσης. Εννοώ, είναι ακόμη λιγότερο εύλογη εξήγηση σαν υγειονομικό ζήτημα παρά σαν οτιδήποτε άλλο. Και έγινε μια διαδικτυακή συζήτηση από ακτιβιστές εδώ, όχι μόνο στην Αίγινα, αλλά με μεγάλη συμμετοχή από την Αίγινα, σχετικά με αυτό, και τελικά το αποτέλεσμα ήταν ότι σε πολλά μέρη οι άνθρωποι αποφάσισαν παρόλα αυτά και γιόρτασαν την ανάσταση τα μεσάνυχτα και … Continue reading Rhigas of Velestino (1757-1798), or Rhigas Pheraios as he is more popularly known, is one of the great national heroes of modern Greece, for it was he who some thirty years before the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 1821 first conceived the possibility of a full-scale national revolution to free Greece from the domination of its Ottoman overlords. His aim was not simply an armed rebellion but a regeneration of the Greek people, through education, literature, propaganda, and social and political awareness. He wrote patriotic stories, poems, scientific lectures; he published detailed maps, translations from French and Italian, and drafted a constitution based on the ideology of the French Revolution. He was the first Greek to insist that the popular language, or demotic Greek, should become the official language of independent Greece. Born in Greece under Turkish rule Rhigas nevertheless received a good education, of the sort tolerated rather than encouraged by the Turkish authorities, and subsequently emigrated successively to Constantinople, Bucharest and Vienna. He recruited his supporters and laid his plans among the expatriate Greek communities, and he also had many contacts, through his successful activities as a businessman, in the Greek mainland and islands. But … Continue reading
I think that this will hopefully tell the Greeks to stand up, and remember that 2,500 years ago it was you, the small nation, that showed the world the way to civilization. Now the world needs you again. And if you follow this call you will go down in world history a second time as the saviour because there are many smaller nations that are now prepared to stand up and stop this madness. They need a leader and no country and no nation is more suited to lead these countries than Greece. So what you have to do is the elite of Greece, your leaders, must come together with the citizens of Greece and join forces. Don’t fight against each other. Remember that you are now called to unite yourselves, the elite and the people. And if you lead the world back to freedom you will see that all your problems, and I know you have a lot of problems in Greece, will be solved because the world is going to stand up and applaud you and reward you for what you have done. Comment from W.H.: Dr. Bhakdi’s words are inspiring and hopefully not just wishful thinking. But … Continue reading