2. Greek Answer to the Appeal by Greek Germans and German Greeks


Dear Professor Juergen Link and dear friends in Germany and other European countries:

The undersigned, representatives of civil society organizations of the island of Aegina, along with other concerned citizens in Greece and elsewhere in Europe, would like to express our thanks and wholehearted support for the spirit of your letter on the “Appeal by German Greeks and Greek Germans http://appell-hellas.de/?page_id=105 for fair media coverage of the democratic decisions taken in Greece”, particularly your view that “the European house cannot be regarded as private property of the ‘markets’ and their central powers (Germany in the first place)” and that “The European house will either be a condominium or it will not exist.”

As you correctly point out in your appeal to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, the stance of the mainstream mass media, both in Germany and in Greece, and the stance of a large proportion of politicians on both sides, threatens to “cause irreversible damage to relations between the two countries”. We also agree absolutely with your position that “the crisis is not Greek but European”, and that Chancellor Merkel should “allow the negotiations on the subject of debt relief to go forward, without ultimata, with whatever technical modifications and moratoria are required” so as to reach an agreement with the potential to appear fair to both sides while respecting the democratic choices of the Greek people.

As regards your desire to organize a conference to highlight the lack of impartiality of the mainstream German mass media, we would like to propose the holding of such a conference on our island of Aegina, which was the first capital of the modern Greek state under Ioannis Capodistrias, the great pan-European diplomat and statesman, and the broadening of the thematic to include the non objectivity of the Greek mass media, along with highlighting and analysis of other related problems. In this way a number of personalities of international stature could be brought to Greece, so assisting with the endeavours to find a just solution to the persisting problem, whose perpetuation is causing damage to all concerned parties.

Yours sincerely,

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