The Leo Frank Case, anti-semitism and anti-anti-semitism


The importance of the Leo Frank case is not just historical. It seems to have marked a turning point. With the founding of the Anti-Defamation League in 1913 Jews in America stopped being simply white people (mostly) and became, as it were, Jews. The evidence that Frank was guilty of murder seems very strong, and he was indeed convicted and sentenced to hang, by a jury including a number of prominent American Jews. But this is not accepted, or is at least pushed under the carpet as “irrelevant”, by the Anti-Defamation League, by Frank’s wealthy Jewish supporters of the time and more or less by the subsequent “historical record”. His supporters’ initial attempts to play the anti-Negro racist card in Atlanta, against all the odds, were not working and it became necessary to detect anti-Semitism behind accusations against Frank. This did not save Frank: his sentence was commuted but he was lynched by what are now called the “deplorables”. The lynching was meant as a lesson to interfering Yankees but, it seems, also reflected genuine moral outrage. Frank nevertheless went on to become “a martyr” and the Anti-Defamation-League commenced a successful career as a lobby willing and able to find anti-Semitism behind many different phenomena.

Anti-Semitism had a long history in Europe, but not in the USA, as I understand it, until the Frank case. If there was some anti-Semitism in the U.S. it was vastly overshadowed by the black vs white and Yankee vs Southerner divides.

It was therefore left to Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, with their eccentric views on a number of subjects (“The Black People of America are the real Children of Israel and those who claim to be Jews are in error [Revelations 2:9, 3:9”] to shoulder the burden of documenting the case against the Anti-Defamation League and Frank. And the volume they have produced is extremely well documented, objective, professional and secular, with the exception of the metaphysically tinged preface.

It would be an interesting subject to document what role. if any, America’s Anti-Defamation League, played in the rise of Nazism in Germany. Both sides of the continually snowballing international furore unleashed by the Frank case seem more interested in the (re)actions of the other side than in the question of whether or not Leo Frank was guilty of murder.

One can get a better idea of what is involved in this issue by reading Zionist materials than one can by reading the mainstream Western press.

Perhaps a historical approach combining a dispassionate study of how anti-Semitism and anti-anti-Semitism became established in the United States will provide some relief from the constant focus on the illegal and unacceptable actions of Israel in combination with a fear of being accusable of what lobbies such as the ADL have succeeded in characterizing as “anti-Semitism”. The resulting irrationality is to nobody’s benefit, including Jews, Israelis and anyone who deserves to be treated with sympathy and understanding


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